Ambassador Kmiec kisses the ring of Peter in the formal Catholic tradition in extending a greeting from President Obama and the Embassy of the United States in the Republic of Malta, a land described by the U.S. Ambassador for the Holy Father as one of "faith and family."
With great anticipation and happiness, Malta awaited the visit of the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. Like all truly special moments in life, the weekend visit seemed to rush by in an instant.
The pope came to formally celebrate the 1,950th anniversary of St. Paul’s arrival on the island. Of course, the media largely only wanted to talk scandal. The people of Malta didn’t let them. Read the full National Catholic Reporter story (click here).
(Left) The Pontiff thrills thousands in St. George Square
(Below) Arriving for the open air Mass in the Grainaries square behind the Florianna office of the U.S. Embassy; the church in the background is St. Publius

The Holy Father in Malta (click to listen to podcast)
U.S. Ambassador Douglas Kmiec recounts the joy
and rejuvenation of Benedict XVI's April 2010 visit to the Republic of Malta.
U.S. Ambassador Douglas Kmiec recounts the joy
and rejuvenation of Benedict XVI's April 2010 visit to the Republic of Malta.
With President Abela
Lessons from a papal visit to Malta
Apr. 19, 2010
By Douglas Kmiec
Douglas Kmiec, the U.S. ambassador to Malta
Apr. 19, 2010
By Douglas Kmiec
Douglas Kmiec, the U.S. ambassador to Malta
With great anticipation and happiness, Malta awaited the visit of the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. Like all truly special moments in life, the weekend visit seemed to rush by in an instant.
The pope came to formally celebrate the 1,950th anniversary of St. Paul’s arrival on the island. Of course, the media largely only wanted to talk scandal. The people of Malta didn’t let them. Read the full National Catholic Reporter story (click here).